Workshop - 14.03.2024
free of charge
As the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is successively expanded starting January 1, 2024, life cycle assessments and greenhouse gas balances will become even more important for companies of many different industries and the automotive industry especially.
Dedicated international experts from industry and research will give insights on key topics, followed by a Q&A session.
“Challenges and good practices for carbon footprint identification in very early development stages (R&D) of automotive products (electromobility)”
Key facts of the workshop:
Date:                  14th March 2024 (from 10:00 to 12:00)
Duration:           90-120 min
Modus:              Hybrid (online or in person) Link to the Online Workshop
Location:            Lagrange Room, CRF North Building, Floor 0. C.R.F. S.C.p.A. Via Fausto Coppi,1, 10043 Orbassano (TO)
Participants:    expected 20-30 people on site
The workshop participation is free of charge.
Key topics are:
1.) Challenges and practices of Life Cycle Assessments in very early development stages
Eva Butano (Stellantis/CRF)
2.) Importance of LCA in product development from an industry perspective
DI Johann Bachler (Global R&D Coordinator, AVL)
3.) Use phase calculation in R&D projects for products not yet in operation
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Harsch (Managing Director, LCS Life Cycle Simulation GmbH) &
M.Sc. Gonsalves Grünert (Head of Sustainable Manufacturing, RWTH University)
4.) Current and future main research questions for the further development of LCA
M.Sc. Élise Monnier (Eco-innovation, Sustainability & LCA – Research Engineer, CEA-Liten)